raktu programavimas

Pradėjo sausas, Spalis 16, 2013, 17:26:38 PM

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Auto isigyjau su vienu raktu ir dabar domuosi kaip galima butu nebrangiai isigyti atsargini rakta. Kur gauti ruosini aisku. Kaip suprogramuoti paciam transponder'i ir pulteli be kompo radau. Dabar liko issiaiskinti:
Kaip atpazinti ar transponderis tinka? Ant naudojamo pulto rakto transponderio uzrasas B-05457. Rakto kuri noriu programuoti transponderis B-04263.
Neramu kad kazkur yra raktas galintis atrakinti mano auto. Ar yra galimybe is auto atminties istrinti kitus raktus?


Citata iš: virmas Įrašytas Spalis 16, 2013, 21:52:42 PM
Yra. Čia gal skaitei  http://toyotaclub.lt/forumas/index.php/topic,1600.msg31053.html#msg31053

Aciu uz nuoroda. Perskaiciau daugybe info ir noriu pasidalinti savo patirtimi.

Patikrinau kiek raktu yra prirista prie mano auto tokiu budu:

1) Make sure that the key is not in the ignition, the doors are unlocked, and the driver's door is open.
2) Very quickly, without turning, insert and remove key from the ignition twice. (leave key out)
3) Close and open the driver door twice. (leave door in open position)
4) Again, insert key into the ignition and remove it. This time only once. (leave key out)
5) Close and open the driver door twice, then close the door.
6) Insert key into the ignition and leave it in the LOCK position.

C. Confirmation mode:

C1) Turn the key in 1 to "ON" and back to "LOCK" in one second intervals for a total of 3 times.

C2) Remove the key.

C3) You'll hear the doors "LOCK" and "UNLOCK" in 2 second intervals. (just listen and count each set)
1 Set = You have 1 remote registered
2 Sets = You have 2 remotes registered
3 Sets = You have 3 remotes registered
4 Sets = You have 4 remotes registered
5 Sets = You do NOT have any remotes registered

Suzinojau, kad mano auto turi du raktus. Bandziau istrinti raktus tokiu budu:

You can erase all the keys and start over by turning a working master key 6 times and then opening and closing the door 7 times. Then remove the key and reprogram again.

Nezianu ka dariau ne taip, bet nepavyko. Tuomet padariau taip:

1) Make sure that the key is not in the ignition, the doors are unlocked, and the driver's door is open.
2) Very quickly, without turning, insert and remove key from the ignition twice. (leave key out)
3) Close and open the driver door twice. (leave door in open position)
4) Again, insert key into the ignition and remove it. This time only once. (leave key out)
5) Close and open the driver door twice, then close the door.
6) Insert key into the ignition and leave it in the LOCK position.

D. Prohibit mode:
D1) Turn the key to "ON" and back to "LOCK" in one second intervals a total of 5 times.
D2) Remove the key.
D3) You'll hear the doors "LOCK", 1 second later "UNLOCK" 5 times. (just listen and count each set)
D4) This will erase all previously registered remotes and cancel the wireless door lock function.

Pagrindinio rakto imobilaizeris liko priristas, pultelio valdymas issitryne. Tuomet pririsau turimo rakto pulteli is naujo:

1) Make sure that the key is not in the ignition, the doors are unlocked, and the driver's door is open.
2) Very quickly, without turning, insert and remove key from the ignition twice. (leave key out)
3) Close and open the driver door twice. (leave door in open position)
4) Again, insert key into the ignition and remove it. This time only once. (leave key out)
5) Close and open the driver door twice, then close the door.
6) Insert key into the ignition and leave it in the LOCK position.

A.   Add mode:
A1) Turn the key to "ON" for 1 second, then turn back to "LOCK".
A2) Remove the key.
A3) You'll hear the doors "LOCK" and 1 second later "UNLOCK" (just listen)
A4) On your remote, press the lock and unlock buttons simultaneously for 1 to 1½ seconds, then let go.
A5) On your remote, IMMEDIATELY press unlock by itself.
A6) You'll get one of three responses:
R1) You'll hear the doors "LOCK", then "UNLOCK" once. The remote is accepted. If you want to program another remote, immediately proceed to step A4 with your second remote, otherwise open the driver's door and the remote is registered.

Po situ proceduru nesupratau ar istryniau kitu raktu imobilaizerius ar tik kitu raktu duru atidarymo/uzdarymo funkcija. Jei butu pavyke su 7 duru atidarymais, tai kitu raktu imobilaizeriai butu tikrai istrinti??

Dabar ieskau rakto ruosinio ir transponderio ebay.

Beja cia radau informacija kaip suzinoti koks transponderis (imobilaizeris) tinka Jusu auto:


Kas gali pakomentuoti kodel an nepavyko istrinti kitu raktu imobilaizeriu?


Galiu klyst, bet gal bandai istrinti master key, o jis gal negali buti istrintas.

Nezinau cia tik samprotauju.


Citata iš: S_Kulikauskas Įrašytas Spalis 17, 2013, 11:19:39 AM
Galiu klyst, bet gal bandai istrinti master key, o jis gal negali buti istrintas.

Nezinau cia tik samprotauju.

Dar paskaiciau. Speju, kad man pavyko istrinti kitus raktus, tik as to nesupratau. Taip, masterio istrinti neimanoma. Jei tureciau du raktus, tai po sekmingos proceduros butu akivaizdu kad pavyko, nes neveiktu atsarginis raktas. Kai turi viena rakta, nera kaip patikrint, o ir auto po trynimo neduoda jokiu zenklu.
Tiesa pastebejau, kad po trynimo prima kart uzvedant, buvo pauze. Galbut ta pauze ir yra patvirtinimas ;)